Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Whenever we go out of town, we have a specific dog sitting company we use to care for Jade and Rena. They are AWESOME and the pups love the 2 ladies that run the business. Shout out to Theresa and Shannon! They contacted me a few weeks ago to enlist my help in making some cupcakes shaped like PUPS...that's why I called them Pupcakes. Theresa dropped off the book Hello, Cupcakes and wanted me to give it a go. I decided to do a trial run before I fully committed to them. These are for a very special occasion, and if I wasn't going to be able to reproduce them to their satisfaction, I wanted them to have time to locate someone else. Never fear though...I made them all the last 2 days. The book is VERY descriptive on how to make these edible K-9s. I'm glad I tried these because I will need to make a few variations in regards to the size of the marshmallows used to make most of the snouts. Also, I need to find chocolate covered sunflower seeds for the eyes, and Famous Chocolate Waffers for the snouts and ears! If anyone sees them in either Fayetteville or Raleigh/Durham, please let me know! This order isn't due until the first week of March, so I have some time to locate these last few things.

What do you think????????

Old English Sheep Dog

Yo Quiero PUPCAKES? Chihuahua
Can you eat 101 PUPCAKES??? Dalmation
Chocolate Lab...literally..CHOCOLATE!
Pug...not my favorite, but will look better once I find all the necessary candies
Yorkshire Terrier

Now, what the heck am I supposed to do with these Pupcakes??? Give them to the clients of course! Theresa is going to stop by and pick them up today to enjoy over the weekend.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Rice Krispies ON A STICK!

I wanted to do something special for the boys to take to Mother's Day Out for their 3rd birthday. Hard to believe, I know! I stuck with rice krispie treats, made them look like sports balls (the only thing they play with right now) and put it on a stick. Apparently, putting things on a stick are the total rave right now. ;)

I used store bought icing and dyed it to the appropriate color. I added powdered sugar to the icing to thicken it up and help it harden a little when it dries. I just used little ziploc bags to pipe the decorations on them. I don't think the moms will be very happy with me about giving their kiddos a sugar high! I'm hoping to send these HOME with the kids and let the parents decide when the kids can have them.